On this anniversary of the D-Day invasion, I would like to recognize the only person that I knew who participated in that battle.
My Great-Uncle Dave Bloodworth left his R&D job at Higgins Industries to go be a coxswain on a landing craft for the invasion. He came in on Omaha Beach.
A few years before he died, I purchased a poster of the National D-Day Museum and I told him about having a conversation with the guy who I was bidding against. The guy asked me if Uncle Dave had been to the museum. At the time I didn't know, but I told the guy I thought that he had. When he asked how he liked it, I responded that he actually liked the museum better than being there.
Later I gave my uncle the poster and mentioned the conversation to Him. He laughed and agreed, then told me about that day. Later my Aunt Iris told me that he never discussed it with anyone. He was in his 80s and still having nightmares.
It’s worth noting that apparently prior, someone from the museum interviewed my uncle and the museum archives hold the voice-recording.
We salute you Uncle Dave!