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Writer's pictureTerry M King

July update from Terry

Wow! What a long, hot summer this is shaping up to be. Our work on the upcoming book, “No Limits: Big Game Hunting in St. Tammany Parish”, is really coming together. The top secret documentary we are working on is progressing nicely, and since we haven't missed a beat in our investigative activities, our readers can count on a consistent flow of additional new material being documented in the near future. Chris and I have both been out there, speaking at events and selling books. I had a fantastic evening at the Slidell Heritage Festival, always a great Rotary event.

I'll be signing books at Andrew's Book Sack in Slidell on July 20th. If you can make it, it's a great opportunity to support a local bookseller, and there might even be some “refreshments” to help forget about the corruption we're dealing with.

We're keeping some of our current events under wraps because arrests haven't been made yet. But once they are, you'll be the first to know. It's been an extremely busy summer, and great things are happening.

“Dead People…” has been getting some fantastic reviews lately, including a phenomenal one from the mayor of Mandeville.

Reconnecting with folks for the upcoming “No Limits” book has been a blast! There are stories in there that many people won't have heard and might find hard to believe, but they're all true! I'm very grateful to all the participants and my co-author, Chris, who has been working hard on this next volume. Hopefully, his PTSD won't be too bad.

I hope you all find some time to rest, relax, and recharge this summer! Enjoy!


Terry M King

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